Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Choosing Members of the Wedding Party

For some weddings, the meaning of choosing attendants is lost. When you choose the groomsmen and the bridesmaids, it should be about choosing special people that you want to stand as witnesses for your very special day. It’s not about making all of the cousins on your mother’s side of the family part of the wedding just because that’s the way it is.

Remember, the more people you have in the wedding party, the more people you have to worry about for gifts and on the day of the wedding. It’s not to say that you should have a small wedding party either. You should choose to have the size wedding party you want to have – be it big or small – because you’ve chosen wisely.

One more thing, the modern bride doesn’t even have to choose the same number of bridesmaids as her groom chooses groomsmen either. It’s perfectly acceptable to have a disproportionate number. The only rule in choosing your wedding party is that there aren’t any rules at all.