Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Brings a Whole New Menu of Wedding Food Options

Summer is a season that almost everyone on the planet enjoys. It probably explains why June brides are more common than November ones. Since summer has just begun we have a whole season in front of us to enjoy the wedding season and the opportunity to celebrate all of the delicious food summer brings.

Whether you're throwing a formal summer wedding, a backyard celebration or a sizzling beach wedding, there are foods a plenty that you can add to your wedding menu.

Food Options for Your Summer Wedding

* Fresh fruits such as watermelon and berries
* Fresh vegetables such as corn (on or off the cob)
* Refresh your guests and cleanse their palette in between courses with sorbets
* Fresh seafood including lobster and oysters
* Traditional picnic foods

Celebrate the summer season by serving summer foods your guests will love as part of your wedding menu. No matter how fancy or casual your wedding is there are summer foods that fit right into your plan. Besides, it's delicious!