Thursday, December 17, 2009

Top Wedding Supplies May Surprise You

When you think of wedding supplies, many different types of materials and items probably come to mind. A recent stroll on several wedding forums brought some surprising results at some of the top trends in wedding supplies.

So, here they are, some of the top supplies brides are seeking for their wedding:

1. Feathers
2. Curly willow
3. Crystals

Yes, sometimes things make you go hmmmmmmmm.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wedding Invitation Tip

Wedding invitations and stationary can be an expensive investment. Shopping online can help to curb some of the sting, but the drawback is that you can't touch and feel the invitation and its counterparts like you can in the store. Most, if not all, online invitation companies provide invitation samples. For about $1 and possibly a small mailing fee, the invitation company sends out a sample for you to touch and feel in the comfort of your own home. It's worth the couple of bucks to make sure it's the right invitation before you place your order. It can save you from hating the invitations when they come in and having to replace a whole new order.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do you think wedding planners are useful?

Many brides sit on the fence when it comes to choosing whether or not to work with a wedding planner. Whether you're a bride, a wedding planner or other wedding professional, here's your chance to chime in and let your opinion be know.

Leave a comment or response to the question:

Do you think wedding planners are useful?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Personalized Wedding Poems Make Great Toasts

Every bride wants her wedding to be different and unique. Every bride wants the best man or the maid of honor to give a magnificent toast at the reception. Maybe you're the best man or maid of honor and you're nervous about what you're going to say when it's your turn to stand in front of all the wedding guests and say something profound.

The Poem Lady, Jill Starishevsky, may be able to help you with your wedding speech woes.

Jill offers an innovative writing service, which helps brides, grooms or groomsmen and bridesmaids write personalized poems as an expression of their relationship with the newly married couple. Jill obtains all of the personal details from the client and turns it into a heartfelt, funny or serious poem--all according to the speech givers needs and wants.

The poems Jill writes are not limited to the wedding reception. Poems can also be used for showers, engagement parties or any events related to the upcoming nuptials. The poems can also be turned into momentous keepsakes.

For example, one bridesmaid shrunk the poem down and put it in a plexi-glass frame with a magnet on the back. She then glued a red wooden heart to the corner of the frame and gave them out at the shower as favors for the guests, after the poem was read aloud to the bride-to-be.